We are Amber and Iris and we own Key West's Finest. This is our Conchfish Nation, for the LOVE of Key West!
Somewhere around 2009 Amber had an idea for a social media website. She created and copyrighted the name and logo called Conchfish. The site was built but it didn't fit with her vision so it was put on the shelf. We held onto the cute little Conchfish logo waiting for the right time and ideas and to reveal it to the public.
After going through the long and arduous trademarking process, we presented it to the nation in 2016. It has since grown into a nation, an identity and a movement for the love of Key West! With over 800 members we are a force to be reckoned with! We have annual retreats with VIP events, official merchandise and lot's of Key West businesses that love having our support. We are a work in progress and always transforming and adding awesome things!
Be sure to keep up with us on Facebook at Key West Finest and visit our web site www.keywestfinest.com for the best hotels and things to do in Key West!
This Nation is for you and your love for Key Westl! We know darn well that you may not be a Conch or a fish but what we do know is that you have a passion for Key West that normal people will never understand.
So say it loud, say it proud... WE ARE CONCHFISH NATION, ONE NATION UNDER CONCH!
Amber DeBevec and Iris Levin